BIMS 1 – Understanding Injection Molding of Thermoplastics
SeminareThe key to optimum plastic part design
10% online discount for registrations!
The intention of this seminar session is to help professionals of injection molding, whatever their scientific background, to develop a much deeper understanding of the polymer physics behind the process. The idea of BIMS training sessions is to transfer basic knowledge of plastics and processing technology to professionals to enable them to:
_ design engineers in charge of molded parts
_ develop better part design skills
_ improve the dialog between parties (part designer, molder, mold maker, …)
_ design more efficient tools
_ optimize the molding process for an existing tool
_ provide interpretation keys to Flow Analysts
_ help select the right material
_ troubleshooting part or mold problems
The referent, Dr. Vito LEO – experienced in the plastics industry for nearly 30 years now – goes deeply into the physics of the various thermoplastics processing behaviour. He thoroughly explains the mechanisms involved in this complex process from filling to final warpage, by using simple words and concepts, and a minimum of mathematics to guarantee a better understanding of the complex interacting phenomena during molding.
The seminar may not fit the needs of beginners. Seminar language is English.
For more details please have a look at our event flyer.
Join us and find out what more than 2,050 satisfied participants to date already did – the key to optimum plastic part design!
Registration deadline:
Monday, October 12, 2020
Participation fee:
Complete Seminar (2 days): 1,400.00 € - Special Online discount 10%

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