11 Jan 2022 20:00 - 21:00
in Digital | Zeitzone MEZ

Free webinar - Reducing Part Warpage in Injection Molding


Start of the event:
20:00 p.m. (MEZ Berlin)
02:00 p.m. (EDT, North Carolina)
01:00 a.m. (ICT, Bangkok)

Warpage is the most common injection molding issue that plastics engineers may face. As the root cause of warpage varies, so does the solution. In general, there are four factors that may induce warpage: part geometry, mold design, process settings and the material itself. In this webinar, we will share several cases, each of which has a different approache and inpires to find the solution that may work the best in the given circumstance.
Join us to learn more about how Moldex3D can help minimize this common molding issue and that can be applied into the daily work routine.

Webinar highlights:
_ Major causes of warpage
_ How to interpret simulation results
_ Cases study

Digital platform:
_ MS Teams Live Event
_ For an easier technical handling, please use your professional email address to register. Thank you. In case of registration via Gmail, Hotmail, etc. accounts we reserve the right to check your participation.

Find out more and register now!

Registrations deadline: 10-01-22 at 5.p.m.

free of charge
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