ISiT - International Simulation impact Technology Conference 2021
AnwendertreffenThe CONFERENCE LANGUAGE is English!
Throughout the years the personal contact with you plays an extremely important role for us. Just now - the importance of a face to face contact is more than clear to everybody. That's the reason why it was not an easy decision, but - unfortunately - a still necessary one.
We are at the pulse of time for you. Continuously filtering the latest global trends and bundling creative and innovative ideas into a powerful product portfolio - is our goal. Our roots - and also our path - is and remains simulation. According to our company motto "Break your limits", we are opening up new horizons - together with you - and this year we are expanding our classic usermeeting into the
ISiT - International Simulation impact Technology Conference 2021
The date remains. We cordially invite you to join us on May 18 and 19, 2021, to take on the challenge to re-examine, re-evaluate, discuss topics regarding applications of CAx products such as process simulation, material modeling, structural mechanics and generell data.
Practical technical articles, application examples or case studies provided by our users are also planned. There will be plenty of additional space for technical knowledge transfer, discussions with our experts or about current injection molding specific development trends, news and innovative products. More details will follow asap.
The conference language is English.
__ AGENDA and further information
Alternatively, please feel free to contact us either per telephone +49 241 565 276 81 or per email: events@simpatec.com.
Registration deadline:
May 12, 2021
Digital platform:
_ MS Teams
_ For technical handling please use official email adresses and no gmail, hotmail, etc. accounts. Thank you.
Participation fee:
Free of charge

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