Plastico Brasil 2025
The Plástico Brasil 2025 will take place from March 24 to 28, 2025, at the São Paulo Expo. The exhibition, an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ) and the Brazilian Association of Plastics Industry (ABIPLAST), is promoted by Informa Markets and takes place for the 4th time. The fair presents the latest technological advances and the main global trends for all areas evolvin around the plastic production chain. The event features the latest technological advancements, presented by over 1,000 renowned exibitor brands from various industry segments including machinery, equipment, and accessories; raw materials and resins; molds and mold holders; industrial automation and robotics; and other products, services, and solutions.
SimpaTec Inc. will be at the event as an exhibitor and is looking forward to personally answer your questions about injection molding simulation and how to jointly master solutions in the holistic development and optimization of processes, components and tools.
More information about the event can be found here!

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