30 Nov 2023 15:00 - 16:00
in Digital | Zeitzone MEZ logo-item

SpotON "Outside the box - focus on the future!"


Start of the event:
03:00 pm (CET, Berlin, Germany)
09:00 am (EDT, North Carolina, US)
08:00 pm (ICT, Bangkok, Thailand)

This time, the focus of our SpotON is to think outside the box and towards the future.
The question of environmentally friendly, sustainable product development and careful, conscious use of resources is currently shaping the plastics industry very strongly; correct handling is future-oriented. The use of conventional plastic products is increasingly being monitored. Topics such as product efficiency, conscious use of resources but also the recognition of the indispensability of plastics determine the industry and stimulate thoughts and actions. In order to shed more light on the facts surrounding the topic of economical, resource-saving and future-oriented "component and tool design" in the plastics industry, we invited renowned experts on the subject to join us for this SpotON.

The event will be moderated by __ Florian Aichberger, Managing Director, SimpaTec Austria. You are welcome to ask questions in the chat during the entire event. We are happy to answer the most important chat questions in the discussion at the end of the SpotON.

Bring yourself up to date and think outside the box with us!! Register now for our – SpotON!

By the way - for Germanspeaking interested people there is also the possibility to inform themselves about topics evolving around economical, sustainable and well-thought-through component and tool design, register now for
>>> the free SpotOn "Über den Tellerrand hinaus – Fokus Zukunft!" on Thursday, November 23, 2023, 10.00 a.m. in German!

Digital platform:
_ MS Teams Live Event
_ For a smoothly technical process, please register with your official professional email address. Thank you. In case of registration via Gmail, Hotmail, etc. accounts we reserve the right to check your participation.

Participation fee
free of charge



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+49 241 56 52 76-0

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