SpotON "PU Foaming - the chemistry is essential"
Start of the event:
04:00 pm (CET, Berlin, Germany)
10:00 am (EST, North Carolina, US)
09:00 pm (ICT, Bangkok, Thailand)
Our successful digital event series "SpotON" is entering its fourth year. In 2023, we will place interesting branch topics, new development trends on the market and exciting technologies into the right light with an extra spot for you, too.
Take a look at one of our free SpotOn's! We start the year 2023 with a special spot onto the topic "chemical foaming". Find out more about the latest development trends in process engineering and simulation technology in terms of foaming.
We are eagerly looking forward to our guest speaker __ Mr. Philipp Sterzenbach, Hennecke GmbH, in his presentation "High pressure metering machine for a wide range of applications" he will provide an exciting insight into the current state of the art. __our Marc Kurz, Managing Director of SimpaTec, will demonstrates how Moldex3D provides foaming kinetics for various by-products in the chemical foaming process, validation versions and how measurements are evaluated. In addition, it is possible to directly include influencing parameters of the process simulation, such as ventilation, gravitation or porosity for the FEA, in the consideration.
The event will be moderated by __ Florian Aichberger, Sales Engineer, SimpaTec Austria. You are welcome to ask questions in the chat during the entire event. We are happy to answer the most important chat questions in the discussion at the end of the SpotOn.
4.00 pm "Welcome to our SpotOn's"
Florian Aichberger, SimpaTec
4.10 pm "High pressure metering machine for a wide range of applications"
Philipp Sterzenbach, Hennecke GmbH
4.30 pm "Development of PU potentials by means of simulation"
Marc Kurz, SimpaTec
4.50 pm Discussion of the chat questions
The event will be moderated by __ Florian Aichberger, Sales Engineer, SimpaTec Austria. You are welcome to ask questions in the chat during the whole event. We will be happy to answer the most important chat questions, which are open for discussion at the end of the SpotON.
Bring yourself up to date on the topic of "Chemical Foaming". Register now for our – SpotON!
By the way - also for German-speaking interested people there is the possibility to look back to K projects, register now for
>>> the free SpotOn "PU Schäumen – die Chemie muss stimmen" on Thursday, January 19, 2023, 11 a.m. in German!
Digital platform:
_ MS Teams Live Event
_ For a smoothly technical process, please register with your official professional email address. Thank you. In case of registration via Gmail, Hotmail, etc. accounts we reserve the right to check your participation.
Participation fee
free of charge

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