Introduction to Thermoplastic Composites
SeminarsSeminar’s scope
This seminar will build on the principles of classical fiber reinforcement theory - highlighting the key roles of fiber type, length and interfacial interaction - to introduce thermoplastic composites as a new class of materials with remarkable performance. It will address the various semi-finished product forms available on the market, will emphasize the influence of reinforcement architecture on the material properties, and will introduce the design, processing and recycling possibilities brought along by this class of materials.
A strong focus will be put on the hybridization possibilities between thermoplastic composites and more conventional reinforced plastics, such as the over molding of composite inserts with short fiber compounds, thus offering insights into options for a cost-effective use of these materials. The introduced principles will be supported by application examples and use cases across industries.
Target audience
This course is intended for a wide audience of technicians, engineers, scientists and managers eager to discover the thriving field of Thermoplastic Composites within the broader context of fiber-reinforced plastics. Participants will discover the specific technical attributes of this relatively new class of materials and their associated processes and application areas.
The lecturers of the seminar are Dr. Vito LEO and Dr. Hans Miltner.
Vito Leo is a physicist by training (PhD from Brussels University), and experienced for more than 37 years in the field of polymer processing and mechanical performance of thermoplastics. He has been very active in the field of Injection Molding of Thermoplastics and the use of Finite Element Numerical Simulation of this process. For nearly 20 years he was Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he taught an introductory course in Polymer Processing to students of the Engineering Faculty nearly identical in content to his well-known seminar BIMS-1. He is now full-time on the BIMS SEMINARS activities, expanding the training portfolio and starting consulting work in addition.
Hans Miltner brings along close to 20 years of combined academic and industrial technical experience in the plastics sector. He started his career in academia, conducting applied research in the area of polymer nanocomposites. After taking on more commercial and business management roles, overseeing a number of global market segments such as automotive and oil & gas, he founded an independent technology consultancy and business development firm. Today he supports material suppliers, technology providers and end-users across the global plastics and composites industry, facilitating the market introduction and accelerating the adoption of plastics innovations.
The seminar language is English.
For more details please have a look at our event flyer.
Registration deadline:
Friday, February 25, 2022
Participation fee:
1 day € 950.00 (plus VAT)
We appreciate to provide a special early bird price of EUR 790.00 (+ 19% VAT) for all registrations before January 31, 2022.
Note: The seminar will take place with a min. of 10 participants. In case of any regional restrictions or limitations related to Covid-19, we reserve the right to convert the face-to-face seminar into a digital event.

Do you prefer the direct contact? We are happy to answer your questions on the phone.
+49 241 56 52 76-0If you have any questions regarding your registration, please contact our event department.