All news
New CAD tools
Better simulation results due to more accurate modeling
Comparison functions in Moldex 3D
Christoph Cohn - New Company Developmen Director at SimpaTec
Evaluating the packing phase - 'simple' with Moldex3D
Comparisons and alternatives made easy - with MHC!
Merry Xmas & a Happy 2025! 🎄🍀
Precise electronic potting
New Digimat user interface
+++ plasticsYOU special offer +++
Grouping of calculation runs
Simulate for a Smart, Sustainable Future
Precise and efficient analysis of reinforced plastic components
Optimum simulation results through more careful modeling
Time to say good-bye - Marc Kur conquers new horizons
Moldex3D 2024 – Precise, detailed, powerful
'FULL-HOUSE' at the 2nd 'Kirchdorfer Talentewoche' 😀
Variotherm cooling
YEEES - we cracked the 6,000 😉!!
Sensor node - monitor the melt state during the injection molding process
Additive Manufacturing according to CAD-Engineering-Standard
Machine mode
Precise electronic potting
Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
Feature and Link-Checker
MeKuMed - Production of hybrid pharmaceutical crimp caps using a combined thermoforming/reverse injection molding process with microform closure
Conformal cooling to achieve best possible component cooling
Particle tracing
Similar and yet completely different
Determine the ideal packing time
Optics - Birefringence
Special all along!!
The future of toolmaking - MiDay Austria 2024!!!
Realistically determine viscoelastic flow behavior!!!
International SimpaTec Usermeeting 2024 – straight-forward, personal, up-to-date!
'Quick Flow' - simplified filling analysis with Moldex3D
AGENDA is set - MiDay Austria 2024!
TightHybrid research project - media-dense plastic-metal hybrid composites
Moldex3D Bi-Injection – Intelligent multi-component injection molding
SpotON "Proven technologies newly contemplated!"
The Importance of simulations of fiber filled materials
Simulation of microcellular foaming
Knowledge transfer 2024 – straight-forward, personal, up-to-date!
Venting analysis
Efficient 'COOLING' with 3D coolant CFD
Early bird - International SimpaTec Usermeeting, 16. + 17.04.2024!
Working with user-defined material models during simulation - thanks to Moldex3D API Solver!
Linux - a proficient alternative for computing servers
Merry Xmas & a Happy 2024! 🎄
Moldex3D iSLM - Security management
Focus on future-oriented injection molding technologies - MiDay's 2024!
Special GAIM/WAIM process in Moldex3D
Detailed analysis of reinforced components
International SimpaTec Usermeeting 2024 – Anniversary edition 😉
Better simulation results by means of thorough modeling
High-quality surfaces by means of SVG
HP special offer of the week - elegant & robust
SpotON "Outside the box - focus on the future!"😊
MHC - Cutting-edge and high-performance material database
Hexagon CAE software for structural calculations of plastic components
Raod show - 'A LOT can - but only a LITTLE needs to'
Moldex3D SYNC!
Moldex3D - DIY
Raod show - 'A LOT can - but only a LITTLE needs to'
'DETECTING' instead of searching
The importance of viscosity model
VISIT us – FAKUMA, hall A5, A5-5003!
Olaf - on tour in Central Asia 🏔 - part 2
Molding Innovation DAY_ 2023_Lille
Integration options for injection molding machines
Fakuma 2023 – Hall A5, A5-5003!
MiDay Germany 2023 – Thank you!
Factor to predict the weld line strength
Fast and flexible computing
Moldex3D Viewer
Liberating workflow !!
PPU Licenses
Our HP- Appetizer of the week – strong performance
Moldex3D Cloud-Connect
SpotON "Not just drawing - solid designing!!"😊
Editing CAD geometry in Moldex3D Studio2023
Moldex3D 2023 – REAL integration’
Improved software capabilities and enhanced analysis accuracy
Olaf - apples and snow-capped mountains😊 - part 1
'Cold Runner Wizard
More accurate and customized simulation reports
"FFF 2023" - Fun and action 'crosswise'⚽
Total "perspective" in terms of optics
Successfully mastering thermal challenges in hot runners!
Solving complex processes in 'a blink of an eye'
SpotON "Not just drawing - solid designing!!" 😊
Quickly and efficiently determine the packing time
Hofmann - der Impulsgeber at MiDay 2023!
TALENT WEEK in Kirchdorf - a great success!
Moldex3D 2023 – Literally ‘REAL’
Easy to use and robust solutions - by means of 'MARC'
Our HP- Appetizer of the week – compact desk liberator
MiDay Germany 2023 – Agenda is set!!
Fast determination of gating positions with Moldex3D API
Kistler at MiDay Germany 2023!
Our HP- Appetizer of the week - allrounder with a 'long puff'
HiAD – research project
Clamping force
Meusburger at MiDay Germany 2023!
Our HP- Appetizer of the week - popular visualization pro!
SimpaTec awarded as TOP-Innovator 2023!
Sound analyses by means of certified quality check
Smart Cooling
LOCTITE-FARASEAL technology?! Learn all about it at MiDay 2023!
BRISKY computing power with Moldex3D 2023!
Our HP- Appetizer of the week – sustainable PROTECTION!!!
SAVE SPACE - keep simulation projects 'lean'!
Moldex3D 2023 Sync - MAGIC for your daily work
Full-range supplier for mold making at MiDay 2023!
Our HP- Appetizer of the week – sustainably brilliant!
smartVessel - integration of fiber-based sensors during the production of hydrogen tanks
MiDay Germany 2023 - Professionals up close!
Comprehensive cooling channel simulation
TightHybrid - Media-tight plastic-metal hybrid composites
MiDay Germany 2023 - meet top exhibitors 😊!
LOOK inside and get the PERSPECTIVE- Moldex3D multilayer injection molding for thick-walled plastic optics!
Discounts, discounts, discounts at HP!
‘Material Selection Guidance’ with MHC
MiDay Germany 2023 - focus on seminal injection molding technologies 😊!
'GO' for Moldex3D 2023 is tangible 😊!!!
“Talking about the Digitalization of Digitalization”
Two-way integration of molding simulation and machine production
Envelope geometry at the push of a button
MeKuMed - Manufacturing of hybrid medical technology products by means of an innovative production chain
Composite Seminar on June 20, 2023!
'DETECTING' instead of searching
FINDING data - a 'piece of cake' with iSLM
Saving time and effort – with Moldex3D Studio API and its automated processes
SpotON with focus on "energy efficiency" 😊
MiDay Austria - Thank you!
Olaf is back 😊
%%%%% - grab them now 'APRIL Hardware Specials
What do Easter and our MiDay have in common!?! 🤷♀️😁
Analyses of viscous and elastic properties of polymeric materials
Get started with Moldex3D 2023 soon 😊!!
Knowledge - pure and without advertising!
Screenshots with the same LOOK & FEEL in Moldex3D
MiDay Austria - Agenda is defined!
Make TWO out of ONE!
MCM - Temperature of the re-melted area
Get close – BIMS Seminars in May!
Foaming: Precise prediction of the pore size
Smart Cooling
Active knowledge transfer - MiDay Austria!!!
Moving line ends
Break your limits: JV Micheldorf is happy about their new sponsor SimpaTec
Grab your chance - 'Special Hardware Specials!!
MCM injection molding– innovative combination of different materials
MiDay Austria on April 20, 2023!!
Liquid Crystals Polymers (LCP)
Easily manage and analyze mold simulation data for your entire business
Correct and accurate material data for reliable analyses
Snap – go for our SpotON 😊
How convenient - Moldex3D DOE integrated in Studio
Green, yes green 😊 …!
Reactive materials - no 'run-of-the-mill' measurments
Liquid Silicone Rubbers (LSR)
SimpaTec awarded top innovator 2023!
Additive Manufacturing according to CAD-Engineering-Standard
AGENDA is set – Usermeeting 2023!
All data at a glance - teamwork on the platform
Complete female power!
Realistic mapping of mechanical processes
SimpaTec Usermeeting 2023 - Focus communication!
Not only poker face - the deck of cards also needs to be right!
50 min 'BIMS Course' for free!!
Coupled Viscoelasticity Flow Analysis
First SpotON of the year!
Special warpage calculations in Moldex3D
Shiny Merry Xmas & all the best for 2023!
Flexible meshing options
iSLM – Intelligent Datamanagement😊
A GAP left in your budget?
The chemistry ist essential! SpotON!
Too warm / Too cold - the "few degrees" difference
3D_Evolution CAD Converter
Determine process parameters for injection compression molding
Fibers 'back or worth'?! - Moldex3D predicts the orientation😊
SpotOn - On the spur of the moment!
Smart postioning of injection points
Color streaks - successfully eliminate them!
Machine mode – and its advantages!
Is it Xmas time already ..?!
Elastomeric materials in FE analysis
‘Mr. Inspector’ will do the job!
Bye, bye K onto the next" - SpotOn
Save time and costs with '3D coolant CFD'
Calculate stability failure with Moldex3D
Reduce weld lines by means of SVG
‚Nozzle Zone Wizard‘
The all-rounders - THE perfect offer for the spontaneous ones
Moldex3D DOE (Design of Experiment)
Fast, high-quality and precise simulations
STOP!! Detecting instead of searching!! 😀
Almost set to go - SimpaTec at K!
'FAST AS LIGHTNING' with the auto mesh technology!!!
KNOWLEDGE close at hand - get smart in our next SpotOn!! 😀
Determine the ideal packing time
Additional measurement tools, non-linear solver and plastification
Turn 1 into 2 - Separating components
No printing!!! HP Laserjets & MFP's now especially cheap!
A good task management system increases the efficiency of plastic mold development
Cost-efficient production - Moldex3D QUICK FLOW
Up and away to Leoben - Present in Austria 😉!!!
Weld lines googbye!!
Enhanced In-Mold Decoration (IMD) Simulation
Simply FANTASTIC - SpotOn!!!
Using API in Moldex3D
CAx solutions for 3D printing
Preparations in full swing - SimpaTec at K!
Examine the potentials of your hot runner system
The CORRECT pressure is decisive – Moldex3D Pack!
Now available - Moldex3D 2022 R2 Patch 1
Update Trainings Moldex3D 2022
Simulation results in ‘a blink of an eye’
Summer break farewell – does SpotOn “ring a bell?!”
Advanced automatic report viewing features in Moldex3D 2022
1,2,3 ... and goal! ⚽
SmartDO - Design and Process Optimization
RTM with Moldex3D
Your ride to an economical product!
iSLM - adequate and efficient data management
Moldex3D 2022 – Brings your design to life!
Getting over cosmetic flaws!
It is 40 degrees – so check out our cool “break-your-limits" online breeze!!
License monitoring
A different kind of multicomponent injection molding
Let's go - conquer new horizons!
Uniform views for screenshots in Moldex3D
Accurate geometry analysis - 4D_Additive
Olaf and the 4th July
Moldex3D Studio API
Fiber orientation meets environmental awareness
Join the team – this is your CTO’s invitation 😊
Create 3D geometry from line-based gating channels
Advanced WARPAGE analysis
SpotOn - sustainable with plastics 😉??!
Simulation without a melt entry
Probe nodes
SpotOn - sustainable with plastics 😉??!
Moldex3D FEA Interface
Precise and fast IC Packaging process simulation
Fancy a "Break your limits online stroll"?!
Importance of PVT curves on Injection Molding Simulations
Revolutionary design with the help of 4D_Additive textures
SpotOn "Plastics & Sustainability - Contradiction or Symbiosis?"
From draft to design by means of FE analyses in Marc
Register today - MiDay Austria!
MiDay Austria - the personal side 😊!!
Automatic temperature optimization of the semi-finished product in T-SIM
GLAMOR is gone!
Filling is not just FILLING!
Let’s go – MiDay Austria 😉!!
Time to reach ejection temperature
How accurate can simulations be?
GLOSS particularly sharp!
Simulation reports – precise and customized
YEAH - we cracked the 5,000 😉!!
Validation of process simulation in comparison to real components
Grab your cost-effective chance to get into injection molding simulation!!
Available SHORTLY - Moldex3D 2022!
Recording local variables using virtual nodes
SpotOn "Metaverse of Plastics Engineering"
3D_Evolution CAD Converter
Automated reporting has never been easier
Gas assisted injection molding (GAIM)
SpotOn "Metaverse of Plastics Engineering"
Fast, detailed and multifunctional IC packaging process simulation
Looking for Easter gifts?!
MANAGE your data EASILY -- with Moldex3D ISLM!
Search function in the material wizard
FIP Exhibition 2022
RIM - Injection molding simulation and material testing for reactive materials
Today! Last chance - SpotOn XXL "Toolmaking"!
Publicly funded R&D project smartVessel
Optimization of the filling process with Moldex3D
Being in perspective - Present in Austria 😉!!
Sync node distribution
The link to 'Smart Manufacturing' - Moldex3D SYNC
GITA - Moldex3D users attention!
Being well-equipped - means winning half the battle 😊!!
MeKuMed - Manufacturing of hybrid medical technology products by means of an innovative production chain
All good things come in threes – characterization, twin & MHC!
It is going to be HUGE - SpotOn XXL – Toolmaking!
Temperature of the re-melted area in Moldex3D
Not only ‘elves’ facilitate your daily work processes ...!
Time to be CLOSE - BIMS Seminars in May!
HiAD – High performance thermoplastics in the additive process and under dynamic loads
MiDay Austria – Agenda is set!!
Enhanced In-Mold Decoration (IMD) Simulation
Missed the SpotOn? Grab your 2nd chance now!
Advantages using Linux for your calculations
FIP Exhibition 2022
Simulate RTM components precisely and error-free
MiDay Austria 2022 – powerful partners aboard!
The method to efficient optimization: Design of Experiment (DOE)
3D_Analyzer – Perfect geometry analysis and validation
Lights out, Spot on … or onto?!
Multi-component simulation considers the properties of the first component
4D_Additive – an absolute ‚allrounder‘ for additive manufacturing
No idea what BIMS 2 is?
SmartDO - Design and Process Optimization
Precise results with the Moldex3D injection compression module
SpotOn again - Making the right choice?!
STL geometry from a polyline with the "getrnrskin" command
Well deserved retirement - Mr. Olivier BERTHONNEAU
3D_Evolution – more than just a CAD converter!
Moving forward, being present - MiDay Austria 2022!
New year, new RELEASE – Moldex3D 2021 R4!
Challenges in compression molding can be solved with Moldex3D
Made it - Olaf has reached his destination!
Automate your simulation tasks
What lies in store for 2022?!
Advanced modeling to simulate real-world behavior – Marc
Requirements regarding the mechanical material card for optimal quality results for FE analyses
Merry X-Mas & good luck for 2022!
It’s all a question of the right pressure – Moldex3D Pack!
Strategic partnership with HP - our Christmas present to you!
Cascade injection molding for an ideal part quality!
Plastics Industry Conference
Optimization of process-dependent microstructure in injection molding by reverse engineering
Fluid-assisted Injection Molding with Push Back Simulation
Moving forward together ... MiDay 2022!
Deformations and stresses in the component - "put an end to it"
Olaf is ready to conquer new horizons!
Determining the Optimal Product Geometric Design in the Shortest Time
Challenges in compression molding can be solved with Moldex3D
1, 2, 3 … - let's go!!
Clever multi-component injection molding - Moldex3D Bi-Injection
THE intelligent data management platform - iSLM
Olaf - our little bear heading on a big trip!
Physical foaming - reducing part weight and production costs
Pure knowledge transfer - off to Bamberg!
Chemical foaming - clever foaming!
Injection Compression Molding Process
FAKUMA Review - Virtual product development - precise and made-to-measure
BIMS Seminars in November - face to face in Bamberg
SIMULATION even closer to REALITY!
In Mold Decoration (IMD) refines your components
Save time and costs with '3D coolant CFD'
Keep your perspective! - this is how you do it!
Verification, comparison and the search for alternative materials – easier than ever!
Analyze gating positions quickly and easily with 'QUICK FLOW
Fakuma 2021 - how nice it was!
More accurate warpage analysis - Consideration of the cooling behavior during the mold opening time
4D_Addivite – Unique textures, flexible nesting and high-precision CAD functions
Good material data = High-quality simulation results
Grab your cost-effective chance to get into injection molding simulation!!
‘Bio-cutlery’ – with a taste of adventure!
After 1 & 2 follows 3 - Moldex3D R3 now available!
Optics with a perfect perspective - SpotOn with IKV
Extended Resin Transfer Molding features
Combination of PU measurement tool system with CAE Simulation for accurate PU foaming prediction
It's getting bio – at FAKUMA!
Accurate Prediction using the Viscoelasticity-Flow-Analysis
Find the right twist - at Fakuma!
Consideration of the nozzle zone in the blink of an eye
The clock is ticking … ensure remarkable savings until September 30th!
Optimal design parameters for molded injection parts using Moldex3D DOE
1,2,3 – faster to your target!
SpotOn „Machine Response“ – register now!
Simulation of encapsulation processes for integrated circuits
Knowledge platform – plasticsYOU for YOU
Precise filling process with Moldex3D
plasticsYOU – education and education ONLY.
Foaming: Modified model to model the pore size during packing
iSLM - intelligent data management platform
Attention for the inquisitive ones 😉!!
Simulate fluid injection molding processes - Moldex3D GAIM/WAIM
Mold Temperature Controller Advisor
Spontaneity is sought after 😊 - SpotOn „Warpage Analysis“
Digital Twin of Instrument Design and Material Measurement - Part 2
Recognize progress & act early!!! - with Moldex3D
Digital Twin of Instrument Design and Material Measurement - Part 1
A “buffer” left in your budget - special bargains available now!!
Warped!? - Causes and effects - or how to nurture components correctly 😊 ...
Innovative 3D printing software - 4D_Additive
Increased efficiency of tool development through an integrated and customized task management system
OPTIMAL gate location = IDEAL component
Update Trainings Moldex3D 2021
We are listening – MiDay 2021 cancelled!
Liquid Crystals Polymers (LCP)
New ‚Nozzle Zone Wizard‘
Up and away into the SpotOn! Say bye, bye ...
Be the front-runner in smart manufacturing – Moldex3D 2021
Additional CAD tools and improved solver
Top up now and get into injection molding simulation cost-effectively!!
Buckling of injection molding parts and how to simulate it
Digimat 2021.3 – improves daily work life!
FORUM.Werkzeugbau – Digitalization at its best
Now available Moldex3D 2021 R2!
Enhanced Accuracy in Advanced Process and Composite Materials
"Bye, bye ... Short Shots" - the right tactics
Molding failures and structural weaknesses (part 2)
3D_Analyzer – a perfect 'allrounder'
Well on it's way - MiDay 2021 😊
Powder Injection Molding with Moldex3D
Astonishing new fiber orientation possibilities in Moldex3D 2021
From digital to personal - a pleasing turning point
Optimizing the quality of injection molded components
ISiT 2021 - a complete success!
Simulation of structural failure of injection molding parts
Customized and more accurate simulation reports
Smart manufacturing - iSLM the 'smart' data management platform
High-speed, detailed and multi-functional IC Packaging process simulation
The coat hanger trick - SpotOn – "Gas-Assisted Injection Molding (GAIM)"
Molding failures and structural weaknesses (part 1)
ISiT 2021 - a complete success !!
How to get the most out of simulation
ISiT 2021 – last chance to take part!
Digital BIMS Seminars - "Almost perfect and makes appetite for more”
Advanced analyses of microstructures using composites
What’s New in Moldex3D 2021?
ISiT 2021 – Focus - Technology
Moldex3D Viewer Advanced WORKSHOP
Now available - Moldex3D 2021!
ISiT 2021 – AGENDA finalized!
SimpaTec SARL acquires Elirro
Improved and enhanced platform - Digimat 2021
Challenges in compression molding can be solved with Moldex3D
ISiT 2021 – Agenda finalized!
Nitty-gritty's of 3D printing ...
"CANDY" for your data base
ISiT 2021 – Focus - iMPACT
Improved component quality and reduction of cycle time due to conformal cooling
SimpaTec conquers new horizons with you
'SimpaTec Crosses the Atlantic Ocean'
Resin Transfer Molding in Moldex3D
ISiT 2021 – Focus - Simulation
Top up and get into injection molding simulation at cost-effectively!
Join our SpotOn XXL spontaneously 😉
Optimization of plastic injection molding by the Design of Experiment (DOE) method
Interface for structural analysis | Micromechanics | Digimat-RP
ISiT 2021 – Focus - International
Your introduction to injection molding simulation
Simulation of fiber reinforced composites
ISiT 2021 - Technical presentations in focus
Understanding comprehensive foam simulations
BIMS 1 - YES or No? That is not the only question to be answered ...
ISiT 2021
Ideal component quality with Digimat-AM
ISiT 2021 – Focus - Communication
SmartDO - Design and Process Optimization
From too wet to hot - SpotOn's really HUGE 😉
Cost-effective entry into injection molding simulation - Moldex3D Viewer Advanced
ISIT 2021 – the online conference
Multi-component simulation considers the properties of the first component
Welcome back, Alessandro 😊!
Complete 3D filling simulation for everyone
Specialities to be considered when measuring thermosets
ISIT 2021 – the online conference
Integrating physical injection molding into the virtual world
SpotOn & Action!!! – SimpaTec’s new free events series …
Cooling system as a combination of geometry and lines
SpotOn “Water Injection Molding“
Visualize, analyze and share using the 3D_Analyzer
Moldex3D DOE (Design of Experiment)
Increased focus on English events
Easily manage and analyze mold simulation data for your entire business
Moving line ends
SimpaTec receives E.M.E.A. Business Award 2020 for exceptional performances
International Usermeeting on May 18 and 19, 2021 - Date set, it will be digital
3D_Evolution CAD Converter
Optimization of the wall thickness distribution using T-SIM
Digital BIMS Seminars in April 2021 - not mere words!
Precise analyses with the Moldex3D ICM module
Moldex3D Advanced Hot Runner
Digimat 2021.1 - New functionalities and features
CAx solutions for 3D printing
Detect errors early and efficiently!
Foil back molding or In Mold Decoration (IMD) refines your components
Coupled Viscoelasticity Flow Analysis
Dr. Vito Leo - benefit from over 30 years of expertise in plastics!
Now available Moldex3D 2020 R4!
Liquid Silicone Rubbers (LSR)
Fluid-assisted Injection Molding with Push Back Simulation
Get started for 2021!
Utilizing Sequential Valve Gating to Improve Surface Quality
Merry Christmas & a healthy 2021!
Düse ist nicht gleich Düse
Are you well-prepared and up-to-date for 2021?
Qualified knowledge transfer 2021
Automate simulation tasks with Moldex3D API
Fiber Orientation Prediction Enhancements
Validation & verification of material & structural behavior using computer tomography
QUICK FLOW Analysis in Moldex3D
International Usermeeting 2021, May 18 and 19, 2021, Strasbourg
Consideration of viscoelasticity in warpage calculations
Improved and extended cooling simulation in Moldex3D 2020
Optimization of the filling process with Moldex3D
Take your 3D printing to a whole new level!
The perfect PERSPECTIVE!
Automated report generation for your simulations
The link to 'Smart Manufacturing' - Moldex3D SYNC
Optimized components using the injection compression molding process
Moldex3D 2-DAY-WORKSHOP - now as Online-Courses available!
Successful Viscoelastic Flow Simulation Requires Reliable Rheological Data
Uuuups, you missed it?!!
A look into your system is worthwhile!
Stay grounded!!
NOW available Moldex3D 2020 R3!
“Round the clock” availability
Improved analysis options in hot runner technology
"Moldex3D at the 2nd Wirth Innovation Day - gratifying presence"
New Mesh Tools in Moldex3D 2020
STL geometry from a polyline with the "getrnrskin" command
Now it's really getting bubbly - Spot On – “Foaming“
NOW available - 14-day free trial period for MSC Apex!
"BIMS - Aha-experiences & valued insights for the injection molding daily work routine!"
Positioning of injection points should be carefully considered
Comprehensive advanced features for RTM and chemical foaming
TuRa now more than ever ... we keep our fingers crossed for you!
Specaial process - Powder Injection Molding
Mold Temperature Controller Advisor
Growth within the sales team
Requirements regarding the mechanical material card for optimal quality results for FE analyses
'Feed' your database
Solver +20% faster in Moldex3D 2020!
Components optimized, cost-efficient and dimensionally stable - with SmartDO!
Moldex3D Machine Characterization – Free Trial Program
Moldex3D 'Analyst' Online Certification Course
Injection Compression Molding Process
The way to a deeper analysis and a better understanding
Considering Expansion Ratio in PU Chemical Foaming Analysis
Specialities to be considered when measuring reactive materials
Moldex3D 2020 - "Goes beyond simulation"
Digimat-MAP 2020 - has extended its range
Cristoph - the „Moldex3D-MASTER“ …
Digital workshop by SimpaTec on PIAE 2020 Workshop
A new milestone – now also in French
Navigate crystallization values
Moving line ends
Flow-fiber coupling analysis
FIRST awardee to receive the 'Moldex3D Master Certificate'
Simulate fluid injection molding processes - Moldex3D GAIM/WAIM
'The ball is back in play 😊!! ...'
Simulation of RTM Components
Anticipation - Moldex3D 2020 with German language package
Quality of material data
A good simulation starts with the filling
SmartDO - Design and Process Optimization
Digimat-MX 2020 - now with revised GUI !
„BIMS Online Courses“
iSLM - intelligent data management platform
„C‘est la vie – how time flies“
Automatically generate center lines
Moldex3D DOE - now available in Studio!
Moldex3D Advanced Hot Runner
Moldex3D FEA interface
Eager to find out more - FOLLOW US!
More is Less
Go Live – Break your limits!
3D-gedruckte Einsätze
3D_Evolution CAD Converter
Special webinar series 'Moldex3D 2020' - exclusively for you, our users
#stayathome - keine Großveranstaltungen mehr in 2020
Team strengthening with a new CTO
How to find the IDEAL gate location!?
Moldex3D WORKSHOP - now as Online-Courses available!
3D printing reaches a new level of efficiency and performance
SimpaTec announces reinforcement of the management
"The WHEEL" keeps on turning ...
We remain available for you!
Training opportunities NOW online!
French SimpaTec Usermeeting - New date!
SimpaTec Usermeeting - POSTPONED!
AGENDA is fix!!
NOW integrated into Moldex3D R17 ...
OH DEER! ...
Trailblazing new features and functions – Moldex3D R17
Full of Praise !!!
COMPLETELY NEW - Single-Day- Workshops
K 2019 - Erfolg auf ganzer Linie
Final Action - and Cut!
A great and succesful (Mi)Day !!!
SimpaTec - Innovative Methods and Solution Concepts ...
15 years SimpaTec – How time flies ...
Spot on – and Action!
Moldex3D R17 - Closing the gap between the physical and virtual worlds
CELEBRATE with us ...
Registration Deadline - EXTENDED!!
Speaker Spotlight - Philipp Land
Speaker Spotlight - Philipp Land
Speaker Spotlight - Sebastian Daute
Speaker Spotlight - Reiner Westhoff
Speaker Spotlight - Prof. Dr. Vito Leo
ATTENTION! - New support email addresses
AGENDA with top class presentations
LAST CHANCE to get the 'early bird discount!
Satisfied Participants !!!
Happy Holidays & All The Best for 2019!
By far the YOUNGEST and by far the FASTEST
Concept opens up new hoizons!
Special Goody - Digimat RP Package
Santa Claus Promotion - 3D_Analyzer
Xmas Special - Moldex3D FEA Package
Special Promotion - Material Characterization
Moldex3D – the powerful software solution
'TALKING SHOP' with race atmosphere
Succesfull 'START SIGNAL'
Proven event concept is popular
The WINNER is ....
EXHIBITION area a true success ...
READY to GO ...
Great location!!!
Too hot to handle? NO!
Moldex3D R16 - The Next Generation
Nur ein Hobby?!!
HEISS oder lieber kalt?
SimpaTec’s MiDay
Simulation Competition
SimpaTec Newsletter
The power lies within the water
Moldex3D R16 inspired by users
MiDay Belgium - Under a sunny spell
Moldex3D Usermeeting on the racetrack
Go Live! Now.
Moldex3D Usermeeting with 'pole position feeling'
Break the limits in Austria
Temperature drop for our BYL-Bag
New Promising Cooperation with e-Xstream engineering
3D_Analyzer –perfect display and analysis of all common CAD formats
Did you already know that Moldex3D Expert DOE …
Break-your-limits-bag with a light refreshment and the sound of the sea ...