Training Moldex3D Designer BLM
TrainingsThe focus of the two-day training is too learn how meshing is done with the Designer BLM. In detail it will be explained how the Designer BLM works and what has to be considered during meshing.
The goal is independent meshing with the Moldex3D Professional.
Target persons: The training is intended for users who already have basic knowledge of Moldex3D and now want to get to know the Designer BLM.
Participation fee:
The fee for this training on our premises amounts to 2 SimpaTrons per day (SimpaTron=245.00 € +VAT). Included are: the participation of one person, training documents as well as all food and beverages for the duration of the event.
Alternatively: total 1,080,00 Euros (+VAT)
__SimpaTron order form.pdf

Do you prefer the direct contact? We are happy to answer your questions on the phone.
+49 241 56 52 76-0If you have any questions regarding your registration, please contact our event department.