ESPECIALLY FOR OUR USERSWrong file format? Incorrect CAD data? Irritatinglabels? All this and much more can be analyzed and corrected with 3D_Evolution.
3D_Evolution is the software of choice when it comes to checking, repairing and modifying CAD data. All common file formats are supported, and feature-based conversion with history and parametrics is also possible. With 3D_Evolution, models can be simplified using envelope geometries or prepared for process or structural simulations. This can be done, for example, by removing radii or labels, changing wall thicknesses or reducing the model to the relevant area. When working with Moldex3D, the analysis and repair of CAD data are particularly relevant. On the one hand, this involves possible collisions or gaps between the components of an assembly, and on the other, the correction of inaccuracies, free edges or mini-elements in the individual components. On the one hand, this involves possible collisions or gaps between the components of an assembly, and on the other, the correction of inaccuracies, free edges or mini-elements in the individual components. 3D_Evolution also offers useful tools for displaying and extracting tool inserts or temperature control channels from the tool data.