Accurate geometry analysis - 4D_Additive
The 4D_Additive Manufacturing Software Suite is, so to speak, a "jack of all trades" when it comes to additive manufacturing. Besides high-precision CAD functions, flexible nesting, unique textures, part separation, slicing functions as well as lattice structures users can also benefit from pinpoint and accurate geometry analysis that successfully avoid unnecessary iterations and failed attempts, thus guaranteeing a cost-effective end product.
For the best possible heat distribution, the software automatically indicates massive zones that are areas with very large wall thicknesses, in which a heat concentration possibly takes place. These areas are highlighted in color and provide information for future component design or positioning of the component.
The wall thickness checker on the other hand can be used to find the areas that are critical for certain processes because of very small wall thicknesses. In addition, the gap measurement i.e., a backlash test makes it possible to detect problem areas and details that are too small for the respective method, such as holes with too small a diameter.
To find out more and to benefit from all the advantages that 4D_Additve has to offer please contact us: + 49 (0)241-565 276-0 or send an email to: sales@simpatec.com .