Analyze gating positions quickly and easily with 'QUICK FLOW
The "Quick Flow" analysis option in Moldex3D is definitely worth looking into! This function helps designers and tool manufacturers to analyze different gate positions quickly and easily and to evaluate their effects, thus avoiding unnecessary and expensive iterations ...
In the current version of Moldex3D, users benefit from the flow analysis solution, which drastically shortens the time required to determine the best gate position and significantly accelerates the design-to-analysis cycle. With the flow analysis - Quick Flow - users can rapidly test multiple gating iterations and thus not only meet strict deadlines, but also find the optimum gating position for a perfect, regular flow behavior very quickly. This procedure allows to effectively minimize weld lines in the early analysis stage, saving a great deal of time and effort spending on running a gate location analysis, especially when analyzing large parts. Additionally, even faster filling and packing simulation results are achieved due to a considerably increased processing speed.