Envelope geometry at the push of a button
Time costs money!!! To reduce exactly these costs to a minimum it is worth taking a look at the software tool 3D_Evolution. It not only masters the fast, automatic data conversion and preparation for CAD systems and the linking of simulation systems, such as Moldex3D, but also enables the creation of an envelope geometry at the push of a button - a true helper in geometry simplification.
The 3D_Evolution Simplifier puts an end to the time-consuming simplification of large, overly detailed CAD models. The tool guarantees automatic and unrivaled fast data reduction as well as ultimate know-how protection.
By removing the internal geometry the Simplifier generates extremely reduced models in seconds and ensures maximum processing speed in all CAD, virtual reality and DMU applications.
Due to 36 different interfaces the Simplifier is ready to be operatd in any environment.
Furthermore, with 3D_Evolution you benefit from a perfect data quality, which is significant for the entire workflow. Through automatic repair functions and data reduction, you receive qualitatively flawless and simplified data that guarantee a problem-free further processing of your 3D models.
We will gladly answer your questions and inform you in detail about 3D_Evolution and/or the Simplifier! Please contact us at: 0241 565 276-0 or send an email to sales@simpatec.com.