FINDING data - a 'piece of cake' with iSLM
iSLM, the web-based data management platform that considers all the necessary data for the product development and allows easy and fast search of known criteria (categories, material and design relevant data, ...). Since the latest version 2023 R1 users can search for similar parts within the database. Let's take a look at how easy it is.
Simulation software has been used for different injection molding processes for years to verify and optimize product design. Additonally to process simulation CAE teams in companies usually use different CAE software for different purposes, e.g. FEA software for structural analysis. Furthermore, a lot of other data is generated along the product development, e.g. sampling reports, scans of sampling components, inspection reports. However, when using all of this data, users find that managing, sharing, and securing data is unnecessarily complicated and creates additional management costs or development time.
iSLM (intelligent Simulation Lifecycle Management) is an intelligent and interactive data management platform designed specifically for companies in the plastics industry. Every phase of mold development is recorded and centralized online. The cross-departmental exchange of information optimizes both communication and workflow and enables more efficient teamwork.
Users can not only simply make this data or stored solutions available and search them using known criteria (e.g. categories, material and design relevant data, ...), but it has also been taken into account who wants to search for what, when. A sales user wants to be able to search old solutions based on a part geometry of a current customer request, so that he can quickly and specifically set up a quote. The development team would like to be able to look at solutions in the initial concept phase of the tool of a similar part and when using similar materials, which can serve as a basis to avoid already known problems.
In addition to the already implemented criteria, the search based on geometry data was implemented. This is based on an already proven technology and was integrated within iSLM. The steps are very simple. The user uploads a CAD model (e.g. STP file) within the filter section (see picture above). The search does not only consider geometric values (like volume, surface, ...) but also the geometry itself (shape, form, ...). As usual, the user can immediately view the individual solutions, compare them with similar results and view the details. To get a quick overview of the results, a column with the similarity value has been added.
Within the next upcoming months this function will be further developed and enhanced so that the users can get more information related to the searched geometry and thus reach the goal faster. If you are interested in iSLM, your SimpaTec team will be happy to present you a live demo.