HiAD – High performance thermoplastics in the additive process and under dynamic loads
The objective of the HiAD research project is to optimize both the additive and injection molding processes with high-performance thermoplastics for the aerospace industry. The sub-project in which SimpaTec is involved mainly deals with the fatigue strength of injection molded components.
HiAD is a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK - Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz) as part of the aerospace research program LuFo VI. The objective of the project is to optimize both the additive and injection molding processes with high-performance thermoplastics for the aerospace industry. Besides SimpaTec, the project partners include the Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE) and CTC GmbH. The sub-project in which SimpaTec is involved mainly deals with the fatigue strength of injection molded components under periodic dynamic loads. The focus is particularly set on the investigation of overmolding interfaces. The main tasks of SimpaTec in this project are numerical simulations of the injection molding processes for the production of test coupons and a demonstrator for process optimization, as well as the coupling with structural simulations to accompany a test program. In parallel, the rheological and structural mechanics material models used for the various simulations will also be validated. At the end of the project, allowables plus recommendations for overmolding with high performance thermoplastics regarding interface fatigue strength are to be derived.