New CAD tools
In order to reduce the time spent on simulation pre-processing due to alterations in parts and substandard mesh quality, it is essential to implement efficient solutions.
Moldex3D Studio is equipped with continuously available pre-processing tools, enabling users to modify or enhance geometries and mesh them more efficiently within a single interface.
Usually, users have to modify the geometry with various CAD programs or the surface mesh to create a high-quality volume mesh for the problems mentioned above. A good quality mesh is an essential prerequisite for a high accuracy of the results. This pre-processing takes a lot of time to create a mesh file suitable for the simulation.
In Studio 2024 Moldex3D users can modify the geometries with the new useful tools for creating and editing curves and objects.
These new functions are accessible via the “Tools” menu and are listed below with their function:
Between Curve: creates curves between two curves with the same distance and
interpolated profile to define a series of curves or a centerline.
Isocurve: creates isocurves on a surface
Bounding Box: creates a minimum size box containing all selected objects.
Planar Surface: creates surfaces from selected co-plane and closed curve loop.
Surface from 4 Curves: creates a surface defined by a tight loop with multiple curves.
Remove Face Inner: automatically removes all features on the target surface
Split Edges: divides the edges of the selected surface into several segments.
Join Edges: joins connected edges into a single edge and removes the connected ends.
Extract Channel Wizard: extracts the inner features from a polyface and copies them as a single polyface.
Channel Polysurface: creates a surface object using the surface of line-defined components.
These tools help users to shorten the time for data exchange in Moldex3D as well as the working time of geometry changes to improve the mesh quality for a suitable simulation.