New Digimat user interface
The user interface of Hexagon's Digimat multiscale material modeling software and platform for coupled structural simulations has been fundamentally redesigned to simplify workflows. In particular the modules for coupling process and structural simulations have been combined.
Hexagon's Digimat software package is a multiscale material modelling platform that specializes in materials with a multiphase structure, such as filled plastics. The software also allows the coupling of micromechanical material models, process simulations and structural simulations. A popular application is a structural simulation (with a common non-linear FEM solver, such as Marc) considering short fiber orientations (calculated in a common process simulation software, such as Moldex3D). Other applications include process simulations for additive manufacturing with a focus on plastic components.
Since Digimat version 2023.4, the main user interface has been redesigned (see image accompanying this article). The modular structure of the software has basically been retained. Users will find the modules Digimat-MF & -FE (material modeling), Digimat-MX (material database and material reverse engineering from test data), Digimat-VA (virtual determination of allowables) and Digimat-AM (additive manufacturing) with the same basic scope of solutions.
The modules for linking process and structure simulations, on the other hand, have been completely redesigned. The main module for coupling Digimat-RP is now called Digimat-MS (MS stands for “Multiscale Solutions”). The module for transferring fields between models (e.g. mapping fiber orientations from a process simulation model to an FE model) Digimat-MAP and the module for generating interface files for coupling Digimat-CAE have been integrated into Digimat-MS. The three processes (formerly RP, MAP and CAE) can thus be executed as sub-processes of Digimat-MS and are now all based on the same interactive graphical user interface.
Additionally, the new interface provides easy access to Hexagon's relevant web-based applications, such as the Nexus platform.