MiDay Austria - Agenda is defined!
Austria says "Heartly welcome – it will start soon😊!"
Our on-site team is already happy to welcome all people interested in "Innovative Injection Molding Technologies". On April 20, 2023, our successful MiDay event series will open at tiz Schlierbach in Austria. The focus will be set on potentials and perspectives of future-oriented manufacturing processes with a special focus on topics related to innovative tool and mold making. Register now!
Bring yourself up to date - now!
Learn more about the latest development trends, technological solutions and insights from first hand and discuss topics dealing with innovative injection molding technologies with selected experts. A special thank you goes to our speakers in advance, being renowned and recognized experts in the industry and who are more than happy to bring you up to date with the latest technology on-site and thus actively supporting one of our most important company goals, the realization of a constant and profound knowledge transfer.
Following the opening introduction presentation "Welcome - Perspectives and Outlook 4.0", by our __ Florian Aichberger, __ Jürgen Käfer, Head of the Vienna and Nuremberg branches of STM Stahl Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG, will inform you about possibilities and potentials of Co2 savings and cost reduction by using the sustainable steel FASTCOOL®-70. Subsequently, __ Jürgen Novak and Alexander Schildknecht, Mold-Masters Europa GmbH, will focus on optimizing the injection molding process by using efficient hot runner and control technology. The technical paper by __ Reiner Westhoff, Managing Director of Contura MTC GmbH, focuses on effective options and field-tested applications of variothermal injection molding. Our __ Marc Kurz, Managing Director of SimpaTec GmbH, is looking forward to present and actively discuss the use, importance and necessity of "Next Generation" simulation from the point of view of holistic, virtual and resource-saving product development. After his presentation, you are cordially invited to ask him exactly those questions that have been on your mind for a long time. Furthermore, __ Kurt Mannigatter, ELMET Elastomere, Produktions- und Dienstleistungs-GmbH, will be happy to answer any questions you may have in connection with his presentation "Creativity meets Technology". The focus of the presentation by __ Dr. Matthias Katschnig, Technical Director of HAGE3D GmbH, will be set on the subject of "Material Extrusion 2.0 - With 3D printing from the sample component to the end-use part". After an introduction to additive material extrusion as a sub-discipline of additive manufacturing, his presentation will concentrate on the advantages of material extrusion 2.0 vs. 1.0, such as increased printing speed, increased printing quality and full material flexibility, as well as case studies for sample components and end-use parts using material extrusion 2.0.
At this point once again a very special thank you to __ DI Wolfgang Kienzl, project manager of the Kunststoff-Cluster, for the special support as media partner as well as the technically competent support with his technical contribution "DiProK - Minimization of the lead time of an injection molded component by means of a digital process chain".
Meet application professionals from the industry in person at MiDay Austria 2023.
Bring yourself up to date with the latest technology.
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