MiDay Germany 2023 - focus on seminal injection molding technologies 😊!
Pure knowledge transfer without twirls!
Get actively involved and let's tackle new challenges together!!! In September we are launching our proven MiDay event concept in Germany. We cordially invite all those interested in "Future-oriented injection molding technologies" and who like to get to the bottom of things and always want to be up-to-date in their area of expertise. Take the opportunity to actively and mutually shape our MiDay Germany in CC Böblingen on September 19, 2023 😉!!
Stay up to date! Follow the latest trends!
Our MiDay event concept has been in operation very successfully for several years at various locations in Europe. For example, this year in April, we were delighted with the overwhelmingly positive response regarding our MiDay Austria (April 20, 2023 at tiz Kirchdorf). Participants assure us: "it's simply the right mix of theory and practice - subject-specific technical contributions, additional information offered in the exhibitor area - and enough space and opportunity for direct discussion and clarification of open questions." We are extremely pleased about this, because this is exactly what we place particular importance to - precise care in the selection of topics, the presenting companies and - the appropriate ambience.
At our MiDAy Germany the main focus will be set on the potential and prospects of future-oriented manufacturing processes but a special emphasis will also be given on topics related to innovative tool and mold making. Experts will present a wide range of technical tips & tricks, innovative solutions and current trends and development tendencies of future-oriented technologies in tool and mold making in a vivid and informative way.
Come along and discuss with us and renowned speakers from the industry how, for example, tools can be manufactured even faster and more efficiently, production times for series tools can be shortened while at the same time increasing the component quality, what influence state-of-the-art simulation tools can have in the holistic, virtual product development cycle ...
Traditionally, we offer renowned companies in the industry the opportunity to present their latest products and subject-related development trends to the participants in an accompanying exhibition area. More than 40 exhibition spaces are available for this purpose. For those who would like to participate as one of the first-class exhibitors at our MiDay Germany, here are more details about exhibition possibilities and registration options ...
We are already extremely pleased and excited to have the VDWF on board as a competent and powerful event partner. It will be a well-rounded event.
Seize your chance and take part in a straight-forward, open, no-twirls event marked by direct communication, highly interesting technical issues in close proximity to customers, to the market - all compact in one day. Register directly for the MOLDING Innovation Day (MiDay) by SimpaTec in the "Kongresshalle Böblingen" on September 19, 2023. The conference language is German.
We are at the pulse of time for you! Always.
We look forward to this special encounter with you.
Break your limits. Challenge us.