Moldex3D Bi-Injection – Intelligent multi-component injection molding
EXPERT TIPThe bi-injection process is generally used for two-colored plastics such as car lamps, mobile castings or toothbrushes. The module illustrates a version of the multi-component injection molding where two different plastic components are simultaneously inserted into a mold. The module allows an independent definition for the fill and packing pressure parameters for both materials.
The filling behavior, the melt flow and the distribution of the melt front can be shown and the location of weld lines predicted.
_ Visualize the melt front behaviors from two melt entrances
_ Predict the potential locations of welding lines
_ Trace the flow orientation of polymer particles
_ Demonstrate the flow rate variation from two melt entrances
_ Support parallel processing to speed up the simulation process
We will gladly answer your questions and inform you in detail about bi-injection simulation processes! Please contact: 0241 565 276-0 or send an email to sales@simpatec.com .