SimpaTec awarded as TOP-Innovator 2023!
Congratulations at the German SME Summit: Ranga Yogeshwar acknowledges SimpaTec Simulation & Technology Consulting GmbH from Aachen on being awarded the TOP 100 seal. The award ceremony at the Summit took place in Augsburg on Friday, June 23, 2023 for all those medium-sized companies who received the TOP 100 seal at the beginning of the year. The science journalist accompanied the innovation competition, which was held for the 30th time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, SimpaTec made a particular impression in the size-class A (up to 50 employees) in the category "External Orientation/Open Innovation".
The TOP 100 company portrait published on the occasion of the award states (excerpt):
For the solution provider in the field of virtual product development, external orientation is an indispensable basis in the innovation process, and this at all stages: during the initial brainstorming, in the development phase and during the launch of new solutions. And for all target groups: from small, medium-sized companies, large corporations in a wide range of industries, to universities. In close cooperation with external partners, innovative training concepts are also developed for customers. Strategic partnerships are established with other protagonists. For Cristoph Hinse, CEO, it goes without saying that everyone in the company knows about current innovation projects. Customers are also constantly informed – personally, via newsletter or social media.
SimpaTec’s entire company profile can be found here.