Webinars dressed in a new gown – Live ‘Chalk Talk’
A NEW YEAR often comes along with new intensions, new looks, new ideas, new going-abouts, new creativity, etc. and so we took the opportunity to follow this wide-spread tradition in terms of our successful webinars, which have become a core element of our events on a weekly basis. The numerous attendances prove us that they are very popular and to make them even more appealing we decided to literally ‘liven’ them up in 2023 – this not only accounts for their new designation namely “Live ‘Chalk Talk’” but also the topics are going to be presented in LIVE Sessions/Demos by the moderator every fortnight. This means that the participants can now regularly to enjoy the technical details and processes with more ‘live action’ so to speak.
So go for it and ‘join the action’! Find out all about the “new look and feel” of our Live ‘Chalk Talks’!
Should have any ideas, suggestions or ‘Chalk Talk’- topic requests, please feel free to contact us at +49 241 565 276 0 or sales@simpatec.com.