Hexagon CAE software for structural calculations of plastic components
Hexagon is a global supplier for sensor, software and autonomous solutions. In the field of computer aided engineering (CAE), Hexagon provides simulation solutions using the finite element method (FEM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multi-body dynamics and more. In terms of structural calculations, especially when it comes to plastic components, SimpaTec's customers benefit from the mutual cooperation with Hexagon ensuring a successfully realization regarding sales, support and engineering service requests ...
In this article, the most important software packages from Hexagon are generally introduced, which are used particularly often by SimpaTec as well as by our users.
MSC Apex Modeler is a CAE environment for processing CAD data and direct networking with regard to FEM calculations. It is characterized by simple intuitive usability and is easy to learn.
Marc is an environment for implicit nonlinear finite element analysis. In combination with the pre- and postprocessor Mentat, Marc allows the calculation of highly complex nonlinear problems, among others contact calculations and consideration of complex material models e.g. for plastics and rubbers.
Digimat is a multi-scale material modeling platform. It allows the virtual development of multi-phase materials such as filled plastics or foams in terms of, among other things, their mechanical and thermal behavior and also serves as a digital material laboratory. In addition, Digimat is used as a link between process simulations (such as injection molding simulations with Moldex3D), micromechanical material models (either directly modeled in Digimat or "reverse-engineered" from experimental data), and non-linear structural solvers (such as Marc).
We are pleased to inform you in detail about all our Hexagon software products available in our portfolio. Please contact: 0241 565 276-0 or send an email to sales@simpatec.com.