Knowledge transfer 2024 – straight-forward, personal, up-to-date!
Being at the puls of time! Register now!
Even in 2024 we remain true to our company motto – and are happy to bring you up to date in terms of the latest knowledge, as being traditionally associated with the communication of high-quality content and the continuous transfer of knowledge, we offer you, our users, customers, partners and inquisitive interested parties, qualified and compactly informative event concepts.
We are at the pulse of time for you. Always. Sharing knowledge and experience is our greatest asset.
Up-to-date with SimpaTec’s events! Break your limits!
We continuously filter the latest global trends and integrate creative and innovative ideas into our high-performance powerful product portfolio as well as digital and personal event concepts. Expand and discuss with us - actively and personally - insights, ideas and current expertise regarding solutions for the plastics processing industry. Find the right answers to your questions about the development and optimization of your component and tool!
MiDay's 2024 - Focus on future-oriented injection molding technologies
We are pleased to inform you about the potential and prospects of future-oriented manufacturing processes at our MiDays. Accompany professionals and find out how, for example, tools can be manufactured faster, more efficiently and more sustainably or how production times for series tools can be shortened while at the same time increasing component quality, and much more. All those interested in "future-oriented injection molding technologies" are heartily invited to attend.
__ MiDay Austria, April 09, 2024, Schlierbach, Austria
__ MiDay Germany, September17, 2024, CC Böblingen, Germany
International SimpaTec Usermeeting 2024 - Focus on holistic virtual product development
Every year, we traditionally invite our users to our user meetings to find out about the latest facts regarding economical, resource-saving and future-oriented "holistic virtual product development" topics. A particular focus will be set on the latest news and development projects relating to Moldex3D, the leading 3D CAE simulation tool for optimizing processes, components and tools. This year there is also a reason to celebrate - SimpaTec will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2024 🎉. Don’t miss out on it😉!
_ International SimpaTec Usermeeting, April 16 and 17, 2024, Colmar, Alsace, France. The conference language is English.
Digital is also possible - webinars, live chalk talk’s, SpotONs ...
Whether it being webinars, live chalk talk’s or SpotON’s ... during the digital events we highlight the latest developments, innovative methods, exciting issues that are dear to us - current, special topics that effect, shape and influence the plastics industry. One focus of our webinars and chalk talk’s – these even being LIVE! - is primarily about the analysis, mapping and optimization of components, processes and tools using simulation. As part of our SpotON’s, we broaden our range of topics whilst also having external industry experts on board. Our aim is to provide you an overall and comprehensive update regarding topics such as temperature control, the latest developments in injection molding processes, mechanical properties of components, materials, comparison of simulation and reality, coupling methods and much more. Here is our proposal to you:
__ Webinar "Optimale Spritzgussparameter mittels Moldex3D DOE", February 14, 2024, 11.00 a.m. (German)
__ SpotON "Proven technologies freshly considered!", March 7, 2024, 10.00 a.m.
Time never stands still - stay curious with us.
Make your selection from our range of events!
Break your limits.